Now! Problem is that Jihosoft File Recovery didn't allow for this WHOLE Folder to be scanned (no dragging, which would be mighty useful!.), so all I could do is select this DB File, under 'all files', as it only 'refers' to images and is a sys. Oh, Folder this File is in is called '111_FUJI' telling me I once copied images from camera card there.

I thought, oh good, flexible Program not wanting to scan entire content of Drives, but allowing specific Files to be scanned, so put it to the test choosing Folder where Images used to be, but for reasons unknown disappeared and all that's left in there is 'Thumbs.db (DB File), size 413 KB with date it was created. The file preview function allows you to preview recoverable files to decide whether they are the files you wish to restore'. The file search option enables you to search a specific file by name, size, type, modified time and created time to quickly locate and find the file you want to recover.

'Convenient File Search and Preview Function Hi, Having seen this promising piece on Today's Software website: